Wednesday, April 29, 2015

The Lighting Cable

Hello guys!

This is my first blogpost, erm ya... previous blog I did well... was pretty much scrap since 1992. Ha. Well move on... I was always told, buy an original cable they said, it works well they said. Ok, after many attempts to buy non-original cables due to budget. Is a pretty disposable cable to me, buy and throw it away, due to because the phone does not support such accessories.. interesting, okay I buy an original cable then.

When I was working as a designer, I plugged in the CPU (Big Buggy Computer) and one day the computer got very slow, remembering back when I was 9 years old having a Pentium 133 desktop and play sonic the hedgehog. And suddenly the cable doesn't work, it sucked my computer dry, crashed. I was like "What the hell is happening?" And sucked my phone dry too, and my phone became a bbq pit and decided to go back to stone age with my bbq pit haha

After all the non-original cables I bought, as usual non-working types, I decided to get another original for One last shot. Well few weeks was pretty much smooth journey, take picture of food, people, pandas in the making and scenery. Suddenly, it goes back to usual, it works like a black hole this time, sucks the energy of every electronic device I have. When usually people respond, WTF?! I mean, i was like wow, i got myself a mini black hole now and perhaps start blackmailing people, like "Give me my money or i use my cable to suck ur whatever they have.... dry". Confused? Well i got an idea what to use this cable for...